
1. Feb. 2017:
New Product: Sequid releases the cost-saving differen­tial time do­main re­flecto­meter DTDR-800.
The right choice for differential and single-ended cable measurements.

Differentielles Zeitbereichsreflektometer DTDR-800

14.-16. March 2017:

embedded world 2017

Sequid exhibits their TDR-Systems for impedance control and fault localization in cooperation with their industrial partner Ele­kon­ta Marek GmbH on the "embedded world" in Nu­rem­berg (Ger­ma­ny). You find us in Hall 3/3-140.

02. September 2016:
Sequid appoints CalPlus GmbH as autho­rized distributor for RF mea­sure­ment equipment for the German market.

CalPlus GmbH

10. June 2015:
New Videos are available on our Homepage or in the Sequid channel on YouTube

Sequid TDR Videos

16. December 2015:
Sequid appoints EUTECSYS S.A.S. as autho­rized distributor for RF mea­sure­ment equipment for the French and Italian market.


9. April 2015:
Sequid appoints TeraBit Solutions as autho­rized distributor for RF mea­sure­ment equipment for the South Korean market.

Terabit Solutions - Korea

17.-19. March 2015:
Sequid is at China Int'l PCB & Assembly Show in Shanghai. You find us in hall N5 / booth 5F61.

China Int'l PCB & Assembly Show - Shanghai

In cooperation with our Chinese Dis­tri­bu­tor Shenzhen Giga-Science Tech­nolo­gies Co., Ltd we present our TDR systems for measuring Controlled Impedance PCB's.

20. December 2014:
Shenzhen Giga-Science Tech­nolo­gies Co., Ltd. be­comes autho­rized distributor for RF mea­sure­ment equipment for the Chinese market.

Shenzhen Giga-Science Technologies Co., Ltd.

11.-14. November 2014:
Sequid exhibits their TDR-Tech­no­lo­gy for im­pe­dance con­trol and fault lo­ca­li­za­tion in­te­gra­ted in the T&M system GT4210 of GEDIS GmbH from Kiel (Ger­ma­ny). Vi­sit us at the electronica 2014 in Mu­nich (Ger­ma­ny).

electronica 2014

29. July 2014:
VigVen Tech Mark Pvt Ltd. be­comes autho­rized distributor for RF mea­sure­ment equipment for the Indian market.

VigVen Tech Mark Pvt Ltd.

8. May 2014:
Impedance control service
Click here for price calculation

April 2014:
Release of professional article "Im­pe­dan­ces on the test bench" in the EE-Times 04/2014 (page 22).

EE Times